Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 8

Day 8 video (I'm not sure I did it was requested I hold the camera the other way this better?)

She's scratching and licking herself..a good sign because she's continuing to be more active, but it's time for the doggy socks again.

Day 8 for Dos hasn't showed any notable progress..or notable regress for that matter. She's been sleeping for most of the day, which of course, is expected due to the heartworms.

I did learn last night however, that Dos really does not like thunderstorms. She doesn't have the physical capacity to shake a great deal like most tthunderstorm-anxious dogs-she just heaves and breathes a bit sporadically, much like someone looks like when they are crying, so it was heartwrenching to watch. I wrapped her up in a towel just for a little security and petted her until she fell asleep, but when I got up she woke up and repeated the process. It was a long night, but today she seems no worse for the wear. I imagine she has been outside in thunderstorms a good deal, from the look of the ring around her neck.
(She was dropped off with two leashes tied together, which was muddy like it had been used as a tie out.) However, this is speculation on my part-her collar may have just been too tight for a long time. Either way, the callous-like redness on her neck and the fact that before I shaved her down, she had no hair where a rope would have been leads me to think I am correct on this.

Dos has now been here is a day 1 vs day 8 comparative.  She's less red, and looks like she's in less pain. :)

She's loooooooves that bed:)


  1. You are so incredibly awesome!!! =) She's very lucky to have you. And yes, the video works very well that way! Thanks!

  2. She looked so miserable in the day 1 pic, but looks so much more relaxed in the day 8. Keep fighting, Dos!

  3. I know there are lots of topical sprays and lotions that aid in itching and irritation. My beagle has nasty allergies in the summer so we give him benadryl and rub anti itch creams on him which seem to help. We also mix tea tree oil in with his medicated shampoo which had helped a lot. Best of luck, itchy girl <3

  4. My little girl is not a fan of thunderstorms either, so we had a rough night this week too! I'm glad that Dos had someone there to comfort her through it! Thank you for all you are doing to get that sweet girl well again!
