Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 22-Dos' Happiest Day So Far

Today was by far the happiest day for Dos so far. She had her chicken and cottage cheese breakfast on the porch, and she had a small bit of interaction with the kids next door to start off her day.

She is very interested in kids. She watches the neighbor kids play and doesn't take her eyes off them.

I haven't wanted them to have too much interaction with her until now, as I was unsure if it would stress her out too much given that she's still sick, regardless of how much better she is feeling. That, and  I wouldn't want them getting any mange mite bites. Being that her mange is gone and she's been in a generally chipper mood, I let the kids come say hi. They were a little afraid of her, kind if like they would be afraid of an elderly person in a nursing home. They sat near her but arent ready to pet her just yet. She sensed that, and after a few tail wags and sniffs, she backed up and just sat down and watched them. 
I think in her old life, the only attention she got was from a child-so it would be only natural for her to be drawn to them. 

Today, Dos had her first "real" walk. She kept wanting to go outside, and after going to the bathroom would pull towards the street a bit. I definitely didn't want her to get sunburnt, being as she has no fur, so around 8PM when the Texas sun wasnt so brutal, we went out for a short walk.

Dos can't have too much physical activity due to the heartworms, so we went on a slowwww 10 minute walk. 

She was like a new dog. Every time we would pass a house, she would bury her face in their grass and just breathe giant doggie breaths. She sniffed poles, she sniffed curbs, she sniffed the street-all in the same way. 

She saw a cat- and while she was Interested in sniffing at it, she didn't really seem to want to chase it or anything. 
The first few seconds into our dusk walk and she has found something really interesting in the grass to sniff.

Dos was exhausted from even her 10 minute those will have to be sparing. She's taking a nap right now, in her little house she loves so much-but Im sure she'll have energy again when she smells her dinner cooking:)9

(Ill try in a bit to upload the video-doesnt seem to be working.)

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