Sitting in the waiting room of APA! while Dos got her X-rays was probably one of the most stressful moments since Dos has been with me. Previously, they had thought she was not pregnant, but needed to make sure, so X-Rays it was.
Dos got into the car, this time without too much fuss, but she insisted on riding shotgun. She really, really likes to look out through the windshield. She was very alert. She let out a few little grunts, too. Totally backseat driving!
They took Dos back to the X-ray room, and I waited in the lobby. I heard mention of maybe two puppies.
I then heard 'blurry' and 'retake.' At this point, I almost had a heart attack and was hoping the vet techs would be able to revive me.
Ten minutes later, they come out, with Dos wagging her tail, and declared her not pregnant. NOT PREGNANT! The first Xray had come out too blurry and had needed to be redone.
So Dos' spay date is next Thursday, when I will drop her off at 8 am, and pick her up late in the afternoon.
I have dropped dogs off before to be fixed...but I know when I drop her off I will be a nervous wreck.
Good news to hear for both you and Dos. The picture you posted today is one of my favorites since the beginning. Keep up the good work.