Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 6

Dos is feeling a lot better today than yesterday, she spent more time standing up, and even took herself to go potty!

I noticed today that her fur seems to be growing back a bit is some places...she has the equivalent to a 'five-o-clock-shadow' on her back.  She also seems way less itchy-so the mange treatments are working! She gets another one on Saturday-which will be a WEEK since her initial rescue. Time has flown by and she's already made so much progress from where she was that I have a great feeling that she'll be healthy enough for the heartworm treatments soon! Here's hoping! I'll be making her an appointment with the medical team at Austin Pets Alive! tomorrow and we'll see where she stands...

Hendricks Boards has begun a wonderful campaign to help save Dos. I saw these below on the APA! Facebook page, and my heart just melted.

(By the way, I learned this week how hard APA! works. I'm seriously amazed by the kind souls with their organization.)
She really is a beautiful girl.

And, as requested...a day 6 video. I don't think she was terribly happy about the light from my phone, but she was happy about the beef for certain.

Thanks everyone for the outpouring of love for this girl. I'm going to write every single one of you back-and I know Dos has got to feel the love.


  1. So happy about her walking down and eating! Keep it going, Dos!! Such a strong girl.


    1. I'm so excited every time she gets up to walk..the taking herself to the bathroom really makes me happy, as she looks like she has a mission each time.

  2. Keep doing what your doing, Dos completely deserves the love and care your giving her!!

    1. Indeed she does:)

      I can't wait till she's cleared entirely of the mange and her skin isn't too tender to the touch, I will snuggle her so hard:)

  3. I've been totally captured by Dos's story and your amazing efforts and blog entries. It's hard for me to imagine what level of energy and determination and love it must take for Dos to continue to battle for life, and for you and Michael to take this new element into your lives with such love and dedication. Dos is a very special animal, and you and Michael are very special folks. Thank you for all you're doing, and for sharing it with us.

    1. Thank you Charlsa for your super sweet comment.

      She's a sweet girl...I've never met any dog like her-and she's still fighting to live each day, although she is slowly beginning to recover.

      Viva la Dos!


  4. This blog makes my heart happy.
    What a special girl she is, and what a wonderful person you are for caring for this sweet girl.

    thank you for sharing and caring so much for the this precious pup.

    1. I'm glad it makes you happy:) One dog saved is a dog that doesnt have to die in pain.

      Thank you so much for keeping up with this ol' girl:)
