Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 7-another mange treatment..

Day Seven and time for another mange dip for Miss Dos.  I'm almost out of the dip itself, and will need to get more, but Dos will soon have an appointment with APA's medical team and we'll see how she's improved and if the treatments can be spaced further apart now.

I've seen a noticable improvement in her skin; it's still scaly and cracked in a lot of places, but the inflammation is definitely decreased by a good amount.

Dos is not a fan of the mange dip itself, because I'm sure it burns the open sores a bit, but during the bath she is the happiest dog in the world...lots and lots of attention and cool water to soothe her skin.

First things first: lunch time! I came home from work to an eagerly hungry Dos. She knows lunch time means meat..and today it meant beef which she was very excited about.:)

....and potty time...she walked directly to her 'potty spot' and back to the porch....she's starting to get into a good routine..

And then the bath. She knew was was coming as soon as I brought around the hose. She followed me to the fence where the leash was hanging. (I keep her on the leash during her bath, so she can't wander off and accidentally drip soap into her eyes!).

I've been using gentle oatmeal shampoo before the mange treatments...and she seems to really enjoy it. She even arched her back a little today as I gave her a light scrubbing with the soft side of a dog brush. A little exfoliation goes a long way in getting the mange out.

She likes the hosewater on her skin. I think it gives a slight massaging effect. She didn't want me to stop!

I applied the mange treatment. While I know she enjoys the attention she gets as I'm slathering the mixture on her, it's got to hurt her-and it's got to dry on her. Mange treatment is a necessary evil-but as bad as it must feel now, it's got to better than untreated mange...poor wittle Dos-y.

She will be a yellow color for a couple of days from the treatment...and hopefully the next one won't be for a while and we can space them apart a bit more and give the ol' girl a break.


  1. Wow - she looks so much stronger and her skin looks much less inflamed. It's amazing to see her standing strong and enjoying that bath! Thanks for sharing her story!

    1. Thanks for reading. Hopefully Dos' story can help other sad sick puppies out there:)

  2. That poor, sweet dog. Do you know what kind she is? Thank you for doing all you do for her!

    1. We're not sure what kind she is. We think some kind of basset mix due to the stance and wrinkly skin...a lot of people have said Landseer Newfoundland Mix, but she's only 63 pounds, so I'm really not sure what she is:)

    2. She looks like a coonhound to me with her size, shape, floppy ears and wrinkles... but her (soon to be back) puffy coat is all wrong for this breed.

    3. We keep making mix guesses- basset border collie seems to make the most sense. .we have also guessed mastiff corgi, pointer/collie, newf/corgi, sharpei/heeler.

  3. Thank you so much for the updates. She is an amazing dog, but you are also amazing for the care and attention you've given her. I eagerly await each daily update. Love the videos too, but PLEASE turn your phone sideways. Video would be easier to watch that way... =)

    KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!! Love and kisses to Dos!!!!

    1. Noted! I'm not very technologically advanced...but ill turn it the other way-thanks for that tip:) I hadn't thought about it ..

      Thanks for sending your love to Dos:)

  4. I share her story on fb every chance I get. So good to see her doing so well <3 lots of good vibes sent both your ways :3
