Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 30!

We are one day away from Dos' month anniversary of the beginning of her recovery. Yyeeeow!

Today, Dos got reacquainted with my friend Nora, who is known as "The Austin Fur Whisperer". Nora is the one that gave Dos her first bath when she came to us. 
I actually was looking through old photos and found the picture of Nora giving her a bath. Dos could barely hold herself up, and as Nora was giving her the bath, Dos had slowly hoisted herself up onto the side of the tub to bury her head in Nora's apron. 

Nora has a lot of experience with rescue animals, and didn't even flinch or think twice about the possibility of contracting whatever infestation was on her skin.

Dos seemed to recognize Nora, wagging her tail as a dog does when they see an old friend. 

And! Today was Dos' last day of antibiotics! She is no longer on any medications! 

Of course, she is still getting fish oil and calcium supplements in her food, but that will happen for a long time to come, and for good measure, the rest of her life:)

Keep goin, Dos!

And no, not EVERY piece of food is or you, Dos-at least not coffee ;)


  1. Dos has the sweetest eyes! I bet it is hard to resist ;)

  2. Look how much better she looks! Brings tears to my eyes.
