Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 36-Dos Vs. The Bathroom

Day 36-Dos decides to lock herself in the bathroom. 

She had been following me around the house all day, trotting along behind me. She was 'assisting' me in cleaning the house, by sniffing, and then tromping through, things I was sweeping up. So, naturally, she follows me into the bathroom when I swept in there..

Unfortunately, however, instead of following right behind me as I left, she shut the door. And then locked it...and then panicked. 

I hear her start scratching the bottom of the door. I call to her, to let her know I'm outside the door, and try to prevent her panicking futher. Bad idea. She starts howling.

I try to open the door with a credit card. I look for a way to take the door off the hinges. I try to pick the lock with a bobby pin (hey-it works in the movies!). I then went around the house to go in through the window...dragging our rickety old ladder, and trying to secure it on the uneven ground took me about 10 minutes in itself. By the time I had gotten up to the window and looked inside, my bathmat was destroyed, there was pee and dog poo everywhere, the doorknob was chewed up, and there was blood dripped over the floor. 

And there was Dos, watching me try to pry the locked bathroom window open with a flathead screwdriver. She was just sitting there, wagging her tail with a long trail of toilet paper hanging from her mouth.

And then it was my turn to panic. I tried to (unsuccessfully) remove the window, I continued to try to pry it open, I knocked on the glass (I'm not sure why, really).  

Finally, I give up on the window and go back inside. I try to pop the lock. I try to take the doorknob off.

Finally, it hit me that I could stick the screwdriver through the door jam and push the bolt back. BAM. Worked.

Dos trots happily out of the bathroom, toilet paper still hanging from her mouth, and puts her head between my knees....

But, she stopped 'assisting' with my cleaning, as I was wiping up mass amounts of dog poop and pee from the floor....

I still haven't been able to figure out whether or not the blood came from her mouth, one of her paws, or if she started going into heat. I checked her everywhere and she seemed fine...and the toilet paper didnt have blood on it, so its a mystery.

She's fine, though, and remained happy as a clam the rest of the day....and stayed far, far away from the bathroom.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a saint and have so much more patience than I find myself having on most days! Dos is a lucky girl to have found you! :)
