Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 37-Dos--indoor hunting dog.

Dos definitely had me fooled, thinking she was not an agile create....as today, not only did she catch and kill a mouse in one fell swoop, she decided she was a full-fledged predator, and spent the morning stalking and catching a fly.

I was sitting in the living room, and I hear a rustling in the laundry room. There are some holes on the side of the house where little rodents get it, and I heard one wiggling around. (a house with 4 dogs should NOT have anything getting into the house, but the dogs are terrible mousers). Dos is lying on the kitchen floor, head between her paws, looking sleepy.

Suddenly, the mouse scurries from under the laundry room door, and into the kitchen. With ONE swift, graceful moment, Dos pounces on the mouse, scoops it up, promptly snaps its neck, and delivers it to me in the living room. She dropped it on my feet, and wagged her whole body like she had caught every mouse in the world.

I tried not to scream as the dead mouse hit my foot...so I channeled all of the pent up shrieking into praises for Dos for catching the mouse.

After that, Dos spent the remainder of the morning and most of the afternoon on the prowl. I could tell it made her feel good to have a job to do and be called a good girl. She dedicated herself to hunting a fly, crouching down like a cat and stalking it, pouncing on it, and repeating the process once it flew away.

Good girl, Dos! Doing dog stuff!

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