Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 46

As Dos gets further into her recovery, and becomes more of a "normal dog", more pieces of her past come out.

Her training is coming along well-she hasn't tried to get into the trash in a while, and she is getting better at 'sit', but it's obvious that manners were never something that was taught to her.

Dos is not, as we had thought, entirely housebroken. She's had several accidents recently, and she's difficult to rush out the door when we catch her in the act. It's going to be a grueling process-but I think she will pick it up. 
I hope it's sooner than later-for a stubby little dog, she has the intestines of a Mastiff. 

She's also very protective of her crate, very protective of her food, and very possessive of her people. She gets jealous when other dogs get attention, even sometimes growling at them and trying to run them off. Never with the intention of hurting them, but still, that's something that needs to be curbed. 

It's all a process- and rehabbing Dos is not only physical-it's emotional. It's mental. It's starting at the ground up. 

I'm training her like I would a little puppy- the groundwork is the same-but it may take longer, as she's already an adult dog and stubborn as all get out. 

You can do it Dos! Ill never give up on you, little girl!

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