Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 67-more fur!

Here's a quick photo update on Dos' rapidly growing patches of fur...
She seems to be filling out from the corners in.
Back leg!
The fur on her front legs is starting to spread upwards! I keep forgetting she's a white dog with black patches. Look at that fuzz! It's growing more down her head and ears, too!

This is a slightly awkward angle, but this is a chest view, where the fur is filling in up her legs and starting to meet in the middle on her chest. She's even starting to grow a little bit of fur on the very calloused area on her elbows!

Her tail though, besides the bottom side where it has been since the beginning, is totally bare. Not even peach fuzz on the top of that thing. She may just always have an armadillo tail. If that's the case, ill be slathering sunblock on it! 

She was excited to eat tonight, especially  since she watched me make a fresh batch of dog food. She saw me pull ground turkey from the fridge and became elated, prancing around the kitchen, even trying to play with Walter a bit. It surprises me that when she wants to be playful, she goes for Walter as her playmate, because he's so big and clumsy, and has what I like to call "Lab Fury". Those of you with labs may be familiar with this-although I'm not sure how much lab is in Walter, he's definitely got it. Lab fury is the first three to four years of a labs life where they made of pure hyperactive energy and their bodies defy all the laws of gravity, and everything  to ever exist is the most exciting thing in the world. By the very nature of Lab Fury,  one would assume that Dos would avoid playtime with Walter at all costs, because she's got such little "play drive" and very little patience. But no- when Dos wants to play, she runs full pigwalrus speed at Walter and skids into him like she's sliding into home plate-straight to his legs . 

Dos is so very happy today. Now, lets see if she keeps that chipperness once I try to administer the doxycycline ...


  1. Just stopping in to check on our Dos furiend,


  2. Looking great Dos!

    Thanks for all the updates! I enjoyed catching up this morning!

  3. Dos looks lovely - thanks for taking such good care of her! I love reading your updates on the pigwalrus and look forward to see how she progresses : )

  4. She's going to look like an entirely new girl, once all of her fur comes in!

  5. I believe I speak for the rest of the internet when I say, "where is our latest Dos fix?!" We need more updates! Hope it's all going well with Dos and the rest of the pack.
